
Problem Overview

Struggling with the chaos of managing a large, ever-changing workforce? You’re not alone. Managing contingent workers presents unique challenges—they aren’t fully integrated into your operation like your full-time staff. 

Your contingent team’s training, needs, and questions require focused attention to ensure they become productive members of your team. Yet, most staffing companies don’t provide the support needed, leaving your supervisors overwhelmed with the added responsibility of managing a team with specialized needs.

When dealing with a large headcount operation, these challenges only scale up, making the problems even more difficult to manage. This often leads to high turnover and disengaged workers, which drain your resources and hinder your business. It’s simply not the best way to operate.

But what if there was a way to transform that chaos into an even stronger operational strategy? 

That’s the premise Ōnin Onsite Program, where a dedicated leader is embedded within your team, ensuring that every worker is not only onboarded effectively but remains engaged and productive. 

Managing a Large Headcount without the Right Staffing Partner

When a staffing company operates without an onsite program, the challenges of managing a large contingent workforce only get worse. Communication issues, inadequate training, and high turnover become even more difficult to manage. Without a dedicated onsite leader, critical concerns like scheduling conflicts, safety compliance, and quality control can easily disrupt your operations.

The lack of real-time oversight allows problems to escalate, leading to decreased morale and reduced productivity. Instead of addressing these issues, these agencies often exacerbate inefficiencies, leaving you to handle the consequences. The gap between the staffing company’s support and your actual needs makes it harder to maintain control and stability in your workforce. Without an onsite program, you’re left to manage these challenges on your own, with little support to navigate the complexities of your workforce. 

The Solution: An Overview of the Ōnin Onsite Program 

Designed specifically for businesses with large headcounts, the Ōnin Onsite program is a tailored workforce management solution that takes the burden off your shoulders by embedding a dedicated onsite leader directly within your operation. This isn’t just another manager—this is someone who truly understands your contingent team.

From the moment a new contingent worker steps through your doors, the Ōnin Onsite leader is there, facilitating an enhanced onboarding process that sets the stage for success. Real-time feedback and coaching keep workers engaged and aligned with your goals, while Ōnin’s affordable benefits program ensures their needs are met, boosting morale and retention.

By handling the complexities of workforce management, the Ōnin Onsite Program allows you to focus on what you do best—growing your business—while we ensure your team is cohesive, productive, and ready to take on any challenge. 

Key features of the Ōnin Onsite Program include:

  • Dedicated Onsite Leader: A manager embedded within your team to oversee operations and provide personalized support.
  • Enhanced Onboarding: Tailored onboarding processes that ensure new workers are fully integrated and productive from day one.
  • Real-Time Feedback and Coaching: Continuous engagement with workers to keep them aligned with your company’s goals and expectations.
  • Affordable Benefits: Access to Ōnin’s unbeatable benefits, which boost morale and improve worker retention.
  • Comprehensive Workforce Management: A holistic approach to managing your contingent workforce, allowing you to focus on growing your business while we ensure your team remains cohesive, productive, and ready for any challenge.

How Ōnin Onsite Manages Your Large Headcount Team Problems

Managing a large contingent workforce comes with a unique set of challenges that can strain even the most efficient operations. When communication breaks down, training is insufficient, and turnover rates climb, the impact on productivity and morale can be severe. 

Below, we’ll break down some of the most common problems faced in managing a large contingent workforce and how the Ōnin Onsite Program offers targeted solutions to address each one.

Training and Onboarding

Problem: When managing a large contingent workforce, providing personalized training is often a significant challenge. Without tailored onboarding, workers may not fully grasp their specific duties or your company’s expectations, leading to confusion and inefficiency. This lack of personalized attention can result in workers making avoidable mistakes that disrupt operations. Without proper understanding and integration, they struggle to perform at their best, reducing overall productivity. 

Solution: The program includes a dedicated onsite leader who oversees the onboarding process. This leader ensures that each worker receives tailored training specific to their role and provides continuous support. This approach helps workers quickly acclimate and become productive members of the team, minimizing the risks associated with inadequate training.

Inconsistent Communication

Problem: Communicating effectively with a large contingent workforce is a challenge. The difficulty in ensuring consistent and clear messaging across the entire team can easily lead to misunderstandings, where critical information is missed or misinterpreted. The lack of alignment among team members can cause friction and disrupt the flow of work, ruffling feathers unnecessarily and creating a tense work environment. Over time, these communication breakdowns can undermine team cohesion, leading to a drop in efficiency and overall productivity.

Solution: The Ōnin Onsite leader plays a pivotal role, providing real-time communication and personally addressing questions as challenges arise, ensuring that no teammate feels left in the dark. Additionally, each teammate benefits from Ōnin’s Nurture the New Hire onboarding initiative, designed to tackle the communication challenges inherent in managing a large contingent workforce. This program delivers crucial job information through strategically timed motivational text messages, guiding teammates through their onboarding journey. These approaches not only ensure that workers stay aligned with company expectations but also minimize confusion and reduce feelings of isolation. The result is a more cohesive and efficient team, no matter the size or complexity of your workforce.

High Turnover Rates

Problem: When managing a large contingent workforce, high turnover can quickly become a significant problem. Contingent workers often feel ignored and unsupported, especially when they lack clarity about their job expectations and don’t feel like a real part of the full-time team. This disconnect can lead to feelings of discouragement and discontent, making it easy for them to seek opportunities elsewhere.

As discontent spreads, turnover rates rise, creating a cycle of frequent departures that forces your organization into constant recruitment and training mode. This not only increases costs but also causes ongoing disruptions in workflow, undermining productivity and efficiency. 

Solution: The key to reducing high turnover is the comprehensive support offered by Ōnin’s Onsite Program. With personalized attention from an Onsite leader and structured communication practices, workers stay informed and connected, which helps prevent feelings of isolation and dissatisfaction. Additionally, Ōnin’s unbeatable, affordable health benefits provide a compelling reason for workers to stay with your company. By addressing both the practical needs and emotional well-being of your workforce, the Ōnin Onsite Program effectively reduces turnover, creating a more stable, loyal, and productive team.

Safety Compliance

Problem: Ensuring safety compliance in a large contingent workforce is a significant challenge. Maintaining consistent adherence to strict safety protocols can be difficult, leading to increased risks of accidents and non-compliance. An influx of new workers, each requiring thorough safety training, adds to the complexity, making it easy for safety standards to slip through the cracks. Inadequate communication and supervision further exacerbate the issue, potentially resulting in dangerous oversights. Ultimately, this challenge can compromise the safety of your entire operation. 

Solution: The Onsite leader oversees the safety of the team. This leader provides direct supervision and is trained to handle safety protocols, ensuring that all workers adhere to guidelines. Additionally, the enhanced training and onboarding process under the Ōnin Onsite Program equips workers with the knowledge they need to operate safely from day one. Having a supportive leader on-site means workers can ask safety-related questions in real-time without fear of bothering someone, as they have access to a trained coach focused on their well-being. This proactive approach significantly reduces the risk of safety issues, creating a safer, more secure work environment.

Quality Control

Problem: Maintaining consistent quality and performance standards across a large and diverse workforce can be challenging. Even small oversights can lead to significant issues, affecting the overall output and potentially compromising the reputation of your operation.

Solution: The Ōnin Onsite Program addresses this challenge by placing a dedicated Onsite leader who maintains continuous oversight of the workforce. This leader ensures that quality standards are consistently met across the team by providing immediate feedback and coaching as needed. By catching and correcting small issues before they escalate, the Onsite leader helps workers adhere to performance expectations, ensuring that your operation consistently delivers high-quality results.

Real-Time Reporting

Problem: Managing a large workforce effectively requires timely access to data, but gathering and analyzing real-time information can be challenging. Without quick insights into workforce metrics, management may struggle to make informed decisions promptly, potentially leading to missed opportunities or operational inefficiencies.

Solution: The Ōnin Onsite Program solves this issue by providing clients with access to real-time data through a centralized dashboard. This tool allows management to monitor key workforce metrics—such as attendance, productivity, and turnover—in real-time. With this immediate insight, you can make quick, informed decisions and adjust operations as needed, ensuring your workforce remains efficient and aligned with business goals.

Take the Next Steps Unlock Workforce Excellence

Managing a large contingent workforce is tough enough, but when your staffing partner fails to provide the support you and your team need, it becomes an uphill battle. High turnover, missed safety protocols, and poor communication quickly snowballs into a disorganized, disengaged workforce that’s constantly slipping through the cracks. And when your team is out of sync, your entire operation suffers the consequences.

Is Onin’s Onsite Program Right For Yout Operation?

Ōnin’s Onsite Program isn’t the right solution to every workforce challenge. To see if it matches up with your needs, take the simple Workforce Challenges Assessment now, and if it does, get the Ōnin Onsite Implementation Guide to see how to get started.