
In today’s competitive job market, where unemployment rates have remained below 5% since 2021, the vast majority of people are already employed. With over 95% of the workforce occupied, attracting attention from these individuals requires more skill, strategy, and effort than ever before. 

Unlike during periods of high unemployment — think the Great Recession circa 2008 — when many were actively seeking jobs, today’s employed professionals are not spending their days searching job boards or attending interviews; they are working. 

This creates a very limited candidate pool, making it increasingly challenging to attract talent, especially those who are comfortable in their current roles.

To succeed in this environment, companies must move beyond traditional recruitment methods and adopt more strategic approaches focused on “stealing” talent—convincing employed professionals to leave their current positions for a new opportunity. 

This report delves into the necessity of a strategic approach to talent acquisition in a market where most potential candidates are already employed. By emphasizing competitive compensation, exceptional work-life balance, and standout job offers, we offer actionable insights to help your organization attract and secure the best talent available. With these strategies, your company can effectively appeal to employed professionals, making your job offer too compelling to ignore.

II. The Trilemma of Attracting Employed


Attracting candidates who are already employed presents a complex challenge known as the “Trilemma.” This Trilemma consists of three essential factors that employers must balance to create an appealing job offer: Competitive Compensation, Outstanding Work-Life Balance, and Radically Accessible Opportunities. 

By strategically addressing these elements, companies can craft job offers that not only stand out in the market but also resonate with professionals who are ready for a new challenge but require a compelling reason to make the move.

Here’s a brief look at each Trilemma element. 

Competitive Compensation

  • Overview: Competitive Compensation is the cornerstone of any compelling job offer. For employed candidates, a financial incentive is often the first consideration when contemplating a job change. It’s also important to note that benefits are a must for many workers.
  • Why It Works: In a competitive job market, where skilled professionals have numerous options, this element can be the deciding factor in attracting top talent.
  • Challenges: Balancing competitive compensation with budgetary constraints is a common challenge. Additionally, companies must ensure that the compensation package aligns with the candidate’s long-term career goals and financial needs, which can be challenging in a world where inflation and other market constraints are constantly evolving.

Outstanding Work-Life Balance

  • Overview: Work-life balance has become increasingly important to modern workers, many of whom prioritize flexibility or have demanding personal lives. Providing an outstanding work-life balance means offering flexible schedules, generous paid time off, and a supportive work environment that allows employees to manage their professional and personal lives effectively.
  • Why It Works: A strong work-life balance can be a significant draw for employed candidates who are seeking more control over their time and better alignment between their work and personal lives. It also contributes to higher job satisfaction and lower stress levels, making it a crucial factor in retaining top talent.
  • Challenges: Implementing policies that support work-life balance requires a cultural shift within the organization and a commitment from leadership. 

Radically Accessible Opportunities

  • Overview: Radically Accessible Opportunities refer to the ease with which candidates can access career advancement and personal growth within the company. This includes eliminating traditional barriers such as rigid hiring processes, stringent qualifications, and limited opportunities for growth. 
  • Why It Works: By offering a clear and supportive pathway to career growth, companies can appeal to motivated professionals who are looking for more than just a job—they are seeking a place where they can advance and thrive.
  • Challenges: Creating and maintaining these opportunities requires a willingness to innovate in recruitment and employee development processes. Companies must also be prepared to invest in training and support to help employees succeed.

III. Outstanding Work/Life Balance

Work-life balance is increasingly becoming a top priority for busy professionals. Offering an outstanding work-life balance is not just a perk but a strategic advantage that can differentiate your company from competitors. Below, we explore key elements of work-life balance that can help attract employed candidates. 

Flexible Schedule Option

  • Overview: Ōnin Flex empowers employees with flexible schedules, giving them control over their work hours to better balance professional and personal commitments. This innovative solution fills staffing gaps with part-time, flexible workers, effectively reducing turnover and burnout while boosting productivity. What’s more, Ōnin Flex teammates enjoy access to Ōnin’s comprehensive, radically affordable benefits package—a rare perk in the flexible work arena. Unlike most flex roles that lack benefits, Ōnin Flex offers workers a significant advantage, ensuring they have the support and security needed to succeed both on and off the job.
    • Learn more about Ōnin Flex at OninFlex.com
  • Benefits of Approach: Offering flexible schedules can significantly increase employee satisfaction and reduce burnout, as it empowers workers to manage their time according to their unique needs. It also opens up opportunities to attract a wider talent pool, including parents, caregivers, or individuals pursuing further education.
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: For employed candidates, the promise of a flexible schedule can be a compelling reason to consider changing jobs. It offers them a way to improve their work-life balance without sacrificing their current income or career trajectory, making your job offer more appealing.

Childcare Assistance

  • Overview: Childcare is a major concern for many working parents, and the lack of affordable and reliable childcare can be a significant barrier to full workforce participation. By providing childcare assistance, whether through subsidies, on-site daycare, or flexible work schedules that align with school hours, employers can help alleviate this burden.
  • Benefits of Approach: Childcare assistance can improve employee retention and reduce absenteeism, as parents are less likely to miss work — or “point out” and face termination — due to childcare issues.
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: Employed candidates with children may find childcare assistance a critical factor in their decision to change jobs. Offering this support demonstrates that your company values work-life balance and is committed to helping employees manage their family responsibilities, making it a more attractive place to work.

Generous Paid Time Off (PTO)

  • Overview: Paid Time Off (PTO) is an essential component of work-life balance, allowing employees to take necessary time away from work to recharge, handle personal matters, or simply relax. A generous PTO policy exceeds the industry standard, providing more days off than what is typically offered.
  • Benefits of Approach: A generous PTO policy helps prevent burnout and ensures that employees have adequate time to rest and recuperate. It also signals to employees that the company values their well-being, which can boost morale and increase job satisfaction.
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: Employed candidates may be swayed by the promise of more time off, especially if they currently feel overworked or underappreciated. A generous PTO package can serve as a powerful incentive for candidates considering a job change.

Unlimited Personal Days

  • Overview: Unpaid personal days offer manufacturing workers the ability to take necessary time off for personal emergencies without the fear of being penalized and losing their job. This approach acknowledges that life’s unexpected challenges can arise, and it provides the flexibility to address them without jeopardizing their job standing.
  • Benefits of Approach: By offering unpaid personal days, your company fosters a supportive work environment where employees feel trusted and valued. 
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: For candidates, especially those in the industrial sector, the assurance that they can handle personal matters without fear of penalties can be a significant draw. This policy allows workers to manage personal emergencies without the added stress of potential repercussions, leading to increased job satisfaction and loyalty.

Inspiring Work Culture

  • Overview: An inspiring work culture is one that fosters a positive, inclusive, and supportive environment where employees feel valued and motivated. This type of culture emphasizes people-first policies, meaningful work, and a sense of community within the workplace.
  • Benefits of Approach: A strong and inspiring work culture can lead to higher levels of employee engagement, creativity, and collaboration. It also reduces turnover by creating a workplace where employees feel connected to the company’s mission and values.
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: Employed candidates are often looking for more than just a paycheck—they want to be part of a company that aligns with their personal values and offers a sense of purpose. An inspiring work culture can be a deciding factor for candidates considering a new job, making your company an attractive option for those who are seeking more meaningful work experiences.

IV. Radically Accessible Opportunities

In today’s job market, it’s not just about attracting candidates with competitive salaries and great benefits—it’s also about making opportunities radically accessible. Radically accessible opportunities involve eliminating traditional barriers that might prevent talented individuals from considering new roles and providing clear, fast-track paths to advancement. This section explores how companies can create these opportunities, the benefits of doing so, and how they can specifically help in attracting candidates who are already employed.

Eliminating Barriers

  • Overview: Traditional hiring practices often include barriers such as strict educational requirements, extensive drug screening, or inflexible job qualifications. These barriers can exclude capable and motivated candidates who may not fit the traditional mold but possess the potential and drive to succeed. Eliminating these barriers involves rethinking and restructuring hiring criteria to focus more on skills, potential, and cultural fit rather than rigid qualifications.
  • Benefits of Approach: By eliminating unnecessary barriers, companies can access a broader and more diverse talent pool. This approach fosters inclusivity and allows employers to tap into a wider range of skills and experiences that might otherwise be overlooked. It also positions the company as progressive and adaptable, which can be attractive to modern candidates.
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: Employed candidates, particularly those who feel limited by their current roles, may be drawn to opportunities that offer more flexibility and fewer restrictions. By presenting a more accessible path to employment, your company can attract individuals who are eager to advance their careers but have been held back by traditional hiring practices. This can be especially appealing to those who have faced barriers in their current job searches or feel undervalued in their existing roles.

Fast Track to Opportunities

  • Overview: A fast track to opportunities involves providing clear, accelerated pathways for career advancement within the company. This can include specialized training programs, mentorship, and rapid promotion tracks that are designed to help employees move up the ranks quickly based on performance rather than tenure alone. The goal is to show candidates that joining your company will lead to tangible career growth in a defined timeframe.
  • Benefits of Approach: Offering a fast track to opportunities not only attracts ambitious candidates but also increases employee motivation and engagement. When employees see a clear path to advancement, they are more likely to be productive, loyal, and invested in the company’s success. This approach can also help retain top talent by providing them with continuous growth and development opportunities.
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: For candidates who are currently employed, the promise of rapid career advancement can be a significant motivator to consider a job change. Many workers feel stagnated in their current roles and are looking for opportunities where their hard work will be recognized and rewarded more quickly. candidates, who are eager to accelerate their career progression.

V. Pay & Benefits

Market-Competitive Salary

  • Overview: A market-competitive salary positions your company ahead of other employers by aligning compensation with the going rates for similar roles within your industry and geographical area. This approach considers industry standards, location-specific cost of living, and the demand for key skills, ensuring that your salary offerings are not just comparable but compelling in a competitive job market.
  • Benefits of Approach: Offering market-competitive salaries puts your organization at an advantage in attracting and retaining top talent. By meeting or exceeding what other employers offer, you create a strong incentive for candidates to choose your company over others. This not only draws in skilled professionals but also helps retain current employees who might otherwise be lured away by competitors offering better pay.
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: In a competitive market, a robust salary offering can be the decisive factor for candidates evaluating job opportunities. A competitive salary makes your company more attractive to both active job seekers and passive candidates who might not be looking but are open to better opportunities. This financial appeal can persuade even those who are content in their current roles to consider making a move to your organization.

Cost of Living for Your Market

  • Overview: The cost of living in a specific market plays a crucial role in determining what constitutes a competitive salary. This includes factors such as housing costs, transportation, and family expenses, including the number of dependents someone needs to support. Understanding these variables helps ensure that salaries are aligned with the actual financial needs of employees in your area.
  • Benefits of Approach: Taking cost of living into account when setting salaries ensures that your compensation is fair and sufficient for employees to maintain a reasonable standard of living. This approach helps prevent turnover due to financial dissatisfaction and builds loyalty among your workforce.
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: When candidates see that your company considers the cost of living in their compensation packages, they are more likely to feel valued and secure in their financial well-being. This can be a significant draw for individuals evaluating job offers, as it demonstrates that your organization cares about their overall quality of life.


  • Overview: Affordable health benefits are a cornerstone of a competitive compensation package, offering employees essential non-salary compensation that directly impacts their well-being. These benefits encompass comprehensive health insurance, dental and vision coverage, as well as Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) that include mental health counseling services. Providing these diverse and affordable benefits demonstrates a commitment to the overall health and welfare of your workforce.
  • Benefits of Approach: Offering a broad and affordable range of health benefits positions your organization as a leader in employee care. By ensuring that essential benefits like health, dental, vision, and mental health support are accessible and cost-effective, you enhance job satisfaction and foster loyalty. Employees feel valued and supported, knowing their physical and mental health needs are being met without financial strain.
  • Impact on Attracting Candidates: In today’s job market, a robust and affordable health benefits package can be a key differentiator when candidates compare job offers. Affordable health benefits signal that your company is invested in the long-term health and well-being of its employees, making it an attractive choice for top talent. This approach not only attracts new hires but also retains current employees who might otherwise seek better benefits elsewhere.

Elevate Your Recruitment Strategy Today

Attracting top talent in today’s market, where most workers are already employed, demands a strategic approach. With low unemployment rates, the old methods of recruitment are no longer enough. To stand out, you must offer competitive compensation, exceptional work-life balance, and clear paths for career growth.

Ready to outshine the competition? 

Let Ōnin help you create irresistible job offers that attract the best talent and drive your organization’s success.

Schedule a free recruitment strategy consultation with an Ōnin expert today. Our experts will provide tailored insights and actionable strategies to ensure you secure the top talent you need to stay ahead in today’s competitive market.

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