
Self-Assessment Quiz

Discover the key to unlocking a more motivated and engaged team with our online quiz. 

This fast and insightful assessment will help you measure employee morale — including your contingent or “temp” team — and evaluate cultural fit within your organization.

NOTE: Keep track of your answers and see how your scores add up in the explainer page with the link at the bottom of the page. With immediate feedback, you’ll pinpoint strengths and uncover areas that need improvement. 

Section I: Team Morale

  • How would you describe the overall energy and atmosphere of your team during work hours?
    A) Consistently positive, with a strong sense of teamwork.
    B) Generally positive, but with occasional lapses.
    C) Mixed, with some team members engaged and others indifferent.
    D) Negative, disengaged, and disjointed.
  • How would you rate the quality of work produced by your team, and how do you believe employee morale impacts this quality?
    A) Consistently high quality with attention to detail, driven by strong morale and a positive work environment.
    B) Generally good, with occasional errors.
    C) Mixed, requiring frequent reworks and corrections.
    D) Poor quality, needing constant oversight, often resulting from low morale, low engagement, and a lack of motivation.
  • How often do you observe positive interactions and collaboration among your team members, including your “temp” team?
    A) Frequently, with strong teamwork.
    B) Occasionally, with some noticeable disconnections.
    C) Rarely, with minimal collaboration.
    D) Almost never, with frequent conflicts.
  • How does the staffing company monitor and support the morale and well-being of temporary workers within your organization?
    A) They regularly check in and actively provide the necessary support to maintain morale and well-being.
    B) Check-ins are regular and effective, but infrequent.
    C) Check-ins are irregular and often superficial, providing only minimal support when they occur.
    D) Check-ins and support are inconsistent and largely overlooked, leaving morale and well-being unattended.

Section II: Leadership Effectiveness

  • How would you describe the general management style of the supervisors who manage your teams?
    A) Supportive and empowering coaches.
    B) Generally supportive, but occasionally inconsistent in providing guidance.
    C) Top-down management style, with little room for input from the team.
    D) Authoritative and directive, often creating an environment where workers feel intimidated and hesitant to voice concerns.
  • How does the staffing company handle turnover among temporary workers?
    A) They proactively determine and address the reasons behind turnover.
    B) They are careful in determining the issues behind turnover but could be faster at addressing issues in real-time.
    C) They actively address turnover, but their efforts aren’t informed by data or a clear understanding of the root causes.
    D) They do not respond or change their program for continuous improvement.
  • How responsive is the staffing company when temporary workers face challenges or conflicts within your organization?
    A) Very responsive, addressing issues quickly and effectively.
    B) Reasonably responsive, but with delays in action.
    C) Rarely responsive, with minimal intervention.
    D) Not responsive, leaving issues unresolved.
  • How does the staffing company take proactive steps to resolve issues and ensure that temporary workers feel supported in overcoming obstacles?
    A) Yes, they are proactive and solutions-oriented.
    B) Occasionally, but they usually wait for issues to be raised.
    C) Rarely, with minimal proactive measures.
    D) No, they are not proactive in resolving issues.
  • How regularly does the staffing company gather and act on feedback from Teammates about their onboarding experience?
    A) Feedback is gathered at regular intervals and used to make strategic, actionable changes for continuous improvement.
    B) Feedback is gathered occasionally, but it’s not always systematically applied to improve the program.
    C) Feedback is gathered infrequently, and even when collected, it is seldom analyzed or utilized to make meaningful improvements.
    D) Rarely, and Teammates’ feedback is not utilized effectively.

Section III: Cultural Fit

  • Do your “temp” team members learn about company culture and values during their onboarding process?
    A) Yes, the onboarding process thoroughly covers company culture and values, ensuring new team members are well-integrated.
    B) Mostly, though the emphasis on company culture and values could be stronger.
    C) No, the onboarding process barely touches on company culture and values, leaving new team members unclear on expectations.
    D) No, because the staffing company doesn’t have a formal onboarding program.
  • Does the staffing company encourage temporary workers to become involved in their broader company culture?
    A) Yes, they actively promote involvement.
    B) Occasionally, but not consistently.
    C) Rarely, with minimal encouragement.
    D) No, involvement is not encouraged.
  • How effectively does your staffing partner address soft skill gaps among your temporary team members?
    A) Very effectively – The staffing partner has a well-developed program with structured content, and they are fully equipped to coach workers, resulting in a noticeable improvement in soft skills.
    B) Effectively – The staffing partner provides adequate support and coaching.
    C) The staffing partner offers guidance, but it’s unstructured and inconsistent, leaving many workers without the necessary skills to succeed.
    D) Ineffectively – The staffing partner does not provide any structured coaching.
  • How would you describe the overall turnover rate within your team, and how do you believe company culture influences this rate?
    A) Low, with team members feeling valued and connected to the positive company culture.
    B) Moderate, with some turnover that reflects occasional dips in morale.
    C) High, indicating challenges with maintaining consistent morale.
    D) Very high, often due to poor morale and a lack of cultural alignment, leading to frequent departures.

Section IV: Engagement & Support

  • How often do you facilitate opportunities for workers to connect with each other and their leader as a team?
    A) Regularly, with planned activities or discussions.
    B) Occasionally, but not consistently.
    C) Rarely, only during formal meetings.
    D) Almost never; personal connections are not emphasized.
  • How regularly does the staffing company check in with temporary workers to address any concerns or challenges they may face?
    A) They have consistent, scheduled follow-ups.
    B) They check in fairly regularly, though the timing can be somewhat inconsistent.
    C) They check in sporadically, with no set schedule, leading to irregular support.
    D) Check-ins are rare and inconsistent, leaving many concerns and challenges unaddressed.
  • Do your employees, including contingent workers, have access to mental health resources?
    A) The resources are both affordable and easily accessible, greatly enhancing morale and fostering a supportive company culture.
    B) The resources are somewhat affordable, though the cost may limit overall effectiveness and inclusivity.
    C) The resources are available but highly unaffordable, making them inaccessible to most employees.
    D) Mental healthcare benefits are not provided at all.
  • How does the staffing company take proactive steps to resolve issues and ensure that temporary workers feel supported in overcoming obstacles?
    A) Yes, they are proactive and solutions-oriented.
    B) Occasionally, but they usually wait for issues to be raised.
    C) Rarely, with minimal proactive measures.
    D) No, they are not proactive in resolving issues.
  • How regularly does the staffing company gather and act on feedback from Teammates about their onboarding experience?
    A) Feedback is gathered at regular intervals and used to make strategic, actionable changes for continuous improvement.
    B) Feedback is gathered occasionally, but it’s not always systematically applied to improve the program.
    C) Feedback is gathered infrequently, and even when collected, it is seldom analyzed or utilized to make meaningful improvements.
    D) Rarely, and Teammates’ feedback is not utilized effectively.

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